Friday, October 1, 2010

Divide People... Not Land!

Division of land - in whichever context - has been fraught with fear; be it between states, provinces, or on a micro level between communities and even among siblings. Precursor to such a division, as well as aftermath of the division has invariably been bloodstained. We, as a nation, have been witness to a nightmare at the time of partition - by dividing land between Hindus and Muslims. We have been close ally to Bangladesh in its partition from Pakistan. Mahagujarat Andolan for creation of Gujarat or Maharashtra - Karnataka animosity does not date too far away to be forgotten.

Today we hear clamor from north for independence - for an independent state of Kashmir. While the rest of the country relishes fruits of development, increased employment opportunities, raising living standards - Kashmir looks on, as a bystander. Youth seek work, old seek peace and promise. Men and women seek respectable work and inclusion in the larger Indian society.

Whenever the cries for dividing land become audible, we should realize that there is some injustice perpetrated, or at least it is perceived to be so. Kashmir issue has already cost thousands of lives. The issue is not only fueled by continued mistrust between India and Pakistan, or by militants and separatists in the region; but equally by the lack of political will, and presence of political ill-will of powers that be. The region plagued by the continued strife and loss of lives, wealth and opportunities would surely look forward to empathetic response to its plight from the nation of which it happens to be a part. Just about when war cries were dying down, and violence seemed to be on lower ebb; a few reckless acts on the part of some miscreants in armed forces, and mishandling of the issues by the administration evoked unprecedented response from the populace. Never, not even in the times of high militancy, was public response so powerful and so demanding. This time, it was not militants with AK47s that Indian army was up against. It was against the stone-pelting youth and unarmed women and children with cries of 'Intifada'. It is almost four months now, and the sentiments of Kashmiris do not seem to relent.

What has brought Kashmir to this impasse? Lack of development, and lack of employment opportunities are surely a reason. But at the root of it all remains one reason that has plagued India almost since independence - political indifference. Political insensitivity to the issues and needs of the society have cost India more than perhaps any other single reason. How else can we explain the loss of thousands of metric tons of food grain when starvation deaths are common in the country? How long can we ignore the reckless expenditure and shameless corruption in CWG when we are unable to provide quality primary education and minimum acceptable medicare to millions in rural India? How justified is it to seek Permanent Membership of UNSC when security back home is the hostage of Naxals?

I am definitely not against CWG or UNSC, but I surely want to have other concerns well addressed too. Post-Independence, we had highly idealist leadership - often un-pragmatist too. Then came the era of populist leadership in Seventies. It was only a brief phase during Eighties that one party - BJP started attracting intellectuals and pragmatic nationalists in political fold. But come Nineties, and there was hardly anything differentiating the two major political parties. Populist and divisive politics again took the center stage. Though the economic liberalization and globalization has helped the society largely move out of political stranglehold, politicians will remain relevant as long as governance remains a necessity - forever. This makes it all the more important to chose leaders we deserve (or, have been choosing leaders that we deserve only!).

It is time we divide people - identify people in political corridors who are sensitive to human misery, and are sensible enough to act before it is too late. It is time we realize we need to draw a line between people who would work for India and who would work for their self aggrandizement. We as nation need to demarcate people as good and as bad, and afford them responsibility to steer the nation to the glory it deserves.

Yes, it is time we divide people, and give the job of nation to those who would not let the land be divided!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Divide Land... Not People!

The nation waited with bated breath. Everyone quite unsure of what one's first reactions would be and what they should be. Each one had one's own version of possibilities and probabilities. We waited for the Verdict with an uneasy calm.

And, finally, Lucknow Bench of Allahabad Highcourt ruled - in favour of people, in favour of tranquility and peace, in favour of unified and strong India. The court ruled - against so-called secularists, against pseudo-secularists, against so-called nationalists, against HINDUS and against MUSLIMS who wanted to be known more by religion and less by nationality, against Congresses and BJPs, against RSS's and BMACs and Vaqfs.

Political masters of the nation, once took India by storm - drew a possibly in-erasable line between two equally great cultures. It once looked like a divide no less than the one caused at the time of partition. Almost every Indian was a Hindu or a Muslim before he was an Indian. Heads rolled - not only in the castles of power, but also in streets (sadly, literally!). Secularists became Pseudo-Secularists, and Nationalists became Fundamentalists. The divide that led to ghettoism in urban areas and mutual mistrust in community. The divided that reduced Indians to 'Vote Banks'.

The divide that took scores of lives for us to realize the importance of cohabitation. Thousands of Indians sacrificed their lives - in post demolition riots, in Mumbai bomb blasts, in Godhra carnage, and in post-Godhra riots - to teach us a lesson: Together We Stand, Divided We Fall. We lost so many of us to the politicization of religion, and to the greed for power.

Perhaps, the shock of Godhra and of Post-Godhra (Irony of this nation! Violence helps us see the futility of the same!) made us see reason. India has moved on! Today, we see political rhetoric centered more on development and less on religion. Major politicians running shy of expressing their religious underpinnings - at least in public. Major political parties showing respect more to judiciary than to Votebank (At least in public!). Militant Hinduism and Fundamental Islamist have finally come to pass.

The court ruling dishes out what India craved for - put the nonsensical issue behind us, and let us traverse the path towards a great nation together. The ruling gives all the concerned parties - something to rejoice, and something to share. It provides everyone with the responsibility to carry on the good work done by the esteemed judges, and gives hopes to more than a billion Indians. It helps us instill our faith in Democratic, Independent, and Strong India.

What the ruling does not give - is anyone a reason to create chaos in the society, and perhaps excitement to the voyeuristic minds. Thank GOD (i.e. Everyone's GOD!)!